Saturday, November 7, 2015

Reunions Reunions Reunions!

Late September brought our Tibbits Hall gang to The Bluffs to celebrate our 40th anniversary of graduation from UNB. We decided only to attend the Class of '75 Wine and Cheese event at Alumni Memorial Hall-turned out we were only about 12 in attendance! Good thing we had our own party planned back at our house: lobsters from Peter's and steaks from Tony's!

Below: Kathie, Chris, Kathy and Brenda ready to dig in on Friday night!

Carving up steak dinner on Saturday night: Brenda, Pat and Neil:

And at table: Kathy, Brenda, Neil, Norm, Steve, Chris and Pat:

Brenda and Kathy:

Brenda and Neil:

It was a lovely weekend, great friends, good food and wine and sunny (albeit chilly) days! I am already looking forward to our next get-together!

The following weekend found me in Montreal staying with Jen, Ben, Elliott and Henry for ten days and attending a wonderful Hudson High School Reunion for the classes of 1970-73! I spent the weekend with Wendy as we were driving back and forth to Hudson a fair bit. Friday night there was a meet and greet at Brian Penny's house, over 90 in attendance we heard! It was standing room only. On Saturday night we met at the Yacht Club for a dinner dance, group pictures, cake and a pretty wild time for a bunch of 60+ year-olds! The DJ was great, playing all our old favourites, we danced until our feet hurt!

Gus, Richard and Barb

Marjorie, Kathie and Mary Alice

Class of 1970 (that's me in the striped dress!)

Class of 1971

Class of 1972

Delicious carrot cake in our honour:

Gus, Laura and Mary Alice:

On Sunday morning we met in the village to walk to Jack Layton Park off Wharf Road on the river where a memorial service was held by Patti Halford to remember those teachers and fellow students who are no longer with us. It was a beautiful day and a very moving short ceremony in a beautiful setting. A tree was planted in honour of those gone before us.

Patti and Al Jared, reading names of former teachers:

Bill McDonald read a poem and spoke a few words:

Planting our class tree:

The Crescent Street Gang: Nigel, Wendy, Bill and Bruce: rumour has it another reunion is in the offing when we all turn 65 in three years' time!

Memories are made of this, folks, it just doesn't get any better! See you all soon!

Location:UNB and Hudson High School

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