Monday, October 26, 2015

Visiting Steph, Lou, Graham and Audie

Backing up a few weeks, I travelled to Denver on October 7th for ten days with the family. Pat joined us on Friday evening at a friend's condo in Vail, where we spent the weekend. It was sunny and clear, although the best of the yellow aspens was over, unfortunately. We walked, took Audie to the dog park and Graham to the playground and just relaxed!

Cute idea for Adirondack chairs for all your used skis!

Family pics ready for Christmas 2015:

Who knew that John Deere also made bikes?!?

And at the end of the afternoon, a visit to Marble Slab ice cream shop:

On Monday everyone went back to work, Pat flew to LA for meetings and I held the fort with Graham and Audie. We walked each day exploring the neighbourhood:

Checked out the many pumpkins in the Methodist Church Pumpkin Patch:

And played in the house:

At aged 18 months, Graham is a sweet little boy, loves his books, playing ball with Audie in the backyard and is learning more new words everyday: airplane, bus, car, "guck" (truck), bye bye, Papa (Grandpa), Dada and Mama. Once again, I seem to be "no name" Grandma! Ah well, he was a joy to spend the week with!

Back with more later!

Location:Denver, Colorado plus a weekend in Vail

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