Saturday, November 7, 2015

Jen and boys visit September 10-18, 2015

On the Thursday evening 6 p.m. flight from Montreal, Jen, Elliott and Henry arrived for a week's visit!

The following day in the POURING rain, we all drove to New Germany, NS where we stayed one night with Gary and Laura Lee, meeting them and Ben as they flew in from Montreal later on Friday evening. Here are Pat and the boys
on a tea break in Sackville:

On Saturday, Pat and I drove to Lunenburg to spend the night at a B&B there while the family attended a local wedding. It had been some 35+ years since we had explored this part of Nova Scotia and we found it as pretty and as peaceful as ever!

A beautiful and thought-provoking memorial to those lost at sea from this sea-faring and ship-building town:

At the Museum, a lesson on how to launch a ship:

There she is: now safely afloat!

Cod was sent to Spain in enormous quantities:

A pretty poster in a local shop:

NS mussels for lunch, smaller and just not quite as good as those from PEI...sorry!

Driving around back roads, we came across these birds in a yard!

On Sunday we dropped Pat and Ben off at the Halifax Airport so they could catch their respective flights to NYC and Montreal, while Jen and I drove with the boys back to NB.

A week before Elliott's 5th birthday, he helped Jen make a birthday cake using Grandma's NEW fancy mixer! Note how it matches the cow aprons!

Jen made the cake in the shape of a Super Hero cape, Elliott's new favourite book from Wendy! He is wearing a reversible cape from Ann, Spider-Man on one side, Superman on the other! How cool is that?!?

Ann with her fairy goddaughter and godson!

Henry at the big table now, move over Graham!

Elliott took to carrying Steph's old doll, Sarah, in the carrier, which he called "the Ergo", like the one Mummy has!

Even on rainy days, Elliott talked Mummy into going into the hot tub with him!

Checking out the new Pirates puzzle Aunty bought him in June!

Hello Henry!

And so ended a fun visit from the family, their second this summer!
More later...

Location:The Bluffs and a weekend in N.S.

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