Thursday, November 12, 2015

Henry is baptized August 16, 2015

The whole family met up in Montreal for my birthday weekend and Henry's baptism! Pat and I stayed at our favourite spot in Old Montreal, The Auberge Bonaparte on rue Saint François Xavier. Steph, Lou and Graham hunkered down in Jen and Ben's living room, and the Seamone family stayed nearby at Ruby Foo's. Here are some highlights:

Graham at Parc Girouard:

Graham, Steph and Elliott outside the front steps on av. Wilson:

Graham loved the balance bike:

First cousins in the tub:

Grammy S. reading to her boys-Henry and Elliott:

Steph and Graham:

Graham eating blueberries:

Jen made Mum a birthday cake:

My gift from the family was a beautiful silver bangle to add to my collection, which says, "We love you Grandma-Elliott, Graham and Henry"!

Just look at those yummy layers! Well done, Jen, the cake was awesome!

Graham busy with the alphabet puzzle:

At St. Mark's Church on Sunday morning: godfather Luke, Erin, Grammy and Henry:

With the Seamone family: Gary, Laura Lee, Jen, Ben and Henry, Luke, Erin and Elliott:

With the Bourque family: Lou, Steph with an unhappy Graham, Jen, Ben with Henry, Kathie, Elliott and Pat:

With all the proud grandparents:

With the godparents: Luke, Ben, Jen, Elliott, Hannah with Henry, Joel and their four boys from N.S.:

Sunday night some of us headed to Au Pied du Cochon for dinner at Lou's request. We wandered through Old Montreal then took the Metro, at Steph's request!

Dinner-it was pretty good, despite its looks! A hearty pork dish and a guinea hen!

On Monday morning I passed by the old Crown Trust Company building on St. James Street where I had worked in summers from about 1972-76. It has changed-those front doors now open up into a small mall in an atrium.

And on rue St. Nicholas, I dropped in to the Lovell Publishing Company to meet a third cousin, Jamie Lovell, who runs the operation started by our great-great-grandparents, Robert and Sarah Lovell in about 1837. I spent the summer reading Sarah's book, "Reminiscences of Seventy Years", a fascinating account of her youth in Old Montreal, her marriage to the publisher and her many travels abroad and to the USA.

Later in the day we drove up to visit Beth and Sil at their cottage on the Rouge River for two nights. Graham entertained himself in the back seat!

Lou and Graham at the sandbar near the cottage:

Jen, Ben and boys joined us for an afternoon-Steph with Henry:

Sil put Elliott's kayak on a rope so he wouldn't drift downstream in the current!

Sometimes bare bum in sand is the best (Graham):

Jen and Henry:

Busy boys at the beach:

Dinner al fresco with Sil, third cousins Madison and Elliott:

Graham working on some corn:

Marshmallow time (on the BBQ)!

The visit was over all too soon: Steph, Lou and Graham returned to Denver on Wednesday August 19th while Pat and I flew back to Fredericton. Lovely to get all the family together again for a second time this summer.

Stay tuned...

Location:St. Mark's Church, Dorval, Quebec

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