Sunday, July 8, 2012

At The beach June 29, 2012

It was awfully hot and humid the week we were on the island, but we tried to get to the beach a few times! It seemed we were pretty happy just hanging out at our villa in the shade of the pines or in the pool or playing Settlers of Catan:

Mind if I borrow your sandal, Grandpa?

Yum, my favourite flavour of Crocs sandal!

Where's Elliott?

Heading back to Ibiza on June 30th on the 1 pm ferry:

The harbour at La Savina:

Family shot on the patio in Caldetes:

Dinner at El Vellard in our village-gazpacho Ruben's style with a swirl of EVOO:

His famous salad-with shrimp:

And with goat's cheese:

Steph and Lou say farewell early Sunday morning at El Prat Airport as they leave for Zurich-Toronto-Denver:

Until the next scuba trip.....

Location:Formentera, Spain

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