Friday, May 11, 2012

IWCB Walk in Parc de Collserola February 24, 2012

The International Women's Club of Barcelona goes on a walk each month, led by Liz. This month we spent a beautiful warm Friday afternoon walking along the trail of the Parc de Collserola just under Tibidabo at the top of Barcelona. Unfortunately the air quality over the city was very poor that day and so no photos were possible of what would normally be a great view! However, here's our group of merry marchers that day, including a couple of husbands who are British Airlines pilots:

The Torre de Collserola, a telecommunications tower built in 1992 by Norman Foster. To the right, the Temple del Sagrat Cor:

Lunch afterwards, which was an interesting experience, full of misunderstandings then later, apologies!

Some of us walked back down the hill into the city, passing some lovely architecture:

Location:Barcelona, Spain

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