Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 2 in Essex, September 28th, 2011

The next day, my able chauffeur, Vicky, took me on a lovely roundabout way to Cambridge. We stopped first in the darling village of Fitchingfield to wander about, admiring gardens and thatched houses.

It was so idyllic and peaceful, hard to believe people actually live there! Apparently it is quite a tourist destination in summer, so likely not so peaceful then!

From there we went to Thaxten for elevenses, this time fresh fruit scones with black currant jam! Then to see the village Church with an interesting colour for the organ pipes!

The alms houses on the Church grounds:

Finally we reached Cambridge and had a nice lunch in a pub on the River Cam, with this view:

The famous Kings College Chapel:

And inside:

The gardens of Clare College:

Punting on the Cam in front of Clare College:

Vicki on the bridge over the Cam by Clare College:

More come UNB didn't have a river running through it?!?

The dining hall at Clare College...not quite LBR dining hall!

The Chapel:

What a perfectly lovely day! Sunny and quite hot, lots of people strolling about and enjoying the weather. No wonder Vicky enjoys coming to Cambridge often, it's a lovely city. We were both much reminded of Christchurch in New Zealand, which was modeled after Cambridge.

My stay in Essex was quickly drawing to an end...more later.


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