Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Semana Sanata II: Leon Palm Sunday Parade

Palm Sunday morning brought us to Leon, in time to park the car in an underground lot just before it CLOSED, not to reopen again until after the procession, perhaps about 1:30 p.m. "No lo se", said the attendant! So after wandering around the 13th century Catedral, window-shopping and enjoying a coffee in a busy café, we took our places along the Calle Ancha to await the procession. There were no hooded devotees, as in the window display below, but rather city fathers, marching bands, priests and other Church members, who carried the statue of Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey.

A window display of merry-go-rounds

The Catedral, one of Spain's most glorious Gothic masterpieces

All parades start with the hawkers: in this case, wheeled trolleys full of fan-shaped waffle cookies. Other hawkers had balloon shapes.

Carrying the gifts

After the parade, we returned to the car lot, now opened, and left for Santiago, in beautiful green Galicia! Hasta luego...

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