Monday, May 2, 2011

Saturday in The Garraf, February 12, 2011

A Saturday "walk in the park" with the International Women's Club of Barcelona, including friends and spouses, took us from the train station at Sitges (south of Barcelona on the coast) by local bus a short distance towards "The Garraf", the hills overlooking Sitges. From the end of the bus line we walked to a little restaurant-bar in the hills, run by a Swiss man. He has his own vineyards, raises bees which produce honey from the flowering almond trees (see pictures) and served us a delicious Catalan lunch of grilled "botifarra" (sausage) and "mongetes" (white beans).
It was a lovely sunny day, almost spring-like and the whole group enjoyed our outing, thanks to our leader, Liz, who lives in Sitges! Muchas gracias, Liz!

First off, breakfast with Pat at the Sitges market!

A glimpse into the hills of The Garraf

A local farm in the area, note the almond trees in bloom

Our destination for lunch al fresco!

Liz, our leader (striped sweater), Belinda and Bing

Marion, Jaffa, Haanah and Therese

Marion, Ann and Marlies

Spring has sprung...

Fresh lemons...


Calçots, a cross between a spring onion and a small leek, best eaten grilled on the BBQ with Romanesco sauce! Yum!

View from our hotel room at La Nina in Sitges

Our lovely outing in the hills ended with dinner at a great restaurant along the boardwalk called Fragata with Liz, Mike, Sara and Paddy and an overnight stay at a seaside hotel in Sitges!
Hasta luego...

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