Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas Holidays at Grand Lake (Part II)

For much of the week after Pat's birthday and the first big snowfall, the sunrises each morning were awesome! The days dawned bright and clear and the sun streaming in the dining room windows warmed up the house in no time! I even took to wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt many mornings when working inside the house!

Here's Steph and Lou cooking breakfast one sunny morning!

Pat got a new N.B. flag for Christmas!

Looking down our driveway towards Route 690

The gang's all here: Steph. Ben, Pat, Lou and Jen enjoying the cross-country skiing and snow-shoeing in the woods across from our house!

Same shot taken by Pat but this time with Kathie on the left!

New Year's Eve appetizers at the bar: Lou, Ben, his brother Luke and dad, Gary visiting from Nova Scotia

Lou perfected the art of shucking oysters from PEI!

Laura Lee (Ben's mother) and our friend, Ann ready to bring in the New Year

Fondue chinoise at that end of the table: Steph, Luke, Ann, Gary, Lou, Ben and Jen

Swiss cheese fondue at the other end: Ben, Jen, Laura Lee, Pat, Ann and Steph

After dinner another round of "Settlers of Catan" in the sun room

New Year's Day 2011-more snow! A view from our sun room back door.

"De-Christmasing" to quote our sister-in-law, Julianne! Pat figured out the best way to remove our enormous tree from the dining room: snip off the branches then throw them out the window!

What a mess to tidy up for next year!

Our first Christmas at The Lake was a resounding success and we are already working on plans for next year! Happy New Year to all our friends and family! Pat and I are now back in Spain (mid-afternoon on Sunday, January 9th) where it is a balmy 12C and sunny. The 1 p.m. sailboat race went on as per usual on the Med whereas Grand Lake is now just about frozen over!

Hasta luego...

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