Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009 Castellers!

After a lovely late brunch at the Fonda Hotel, complete with a glass of Cava (sparkling wine), we joined a throng of people heading to the main square in Granollers in front of the Town Hall. There we found three teams of "castellers" practicing the art of building human towers, each team trying to outdo the next! We'd read about this but this was the first time we'd had the chance to witness it in person. It's hard to believe how high they can go, with the littlest child wearing a helmet (often a girl) reaching the top. She gives a wave, climbs across to the opposite side then slithers down as each level in turn collapses on itself! The Granollers team is called "Xicu" and they wear burgundy shirts. One of my guidesbooks describes “castellers” as one of Catalonia’s most spectacular folk traditions. It’s enough to make you dizzy!

The above team tried twice without success to complete their tower-despite their failure, the crowd appreciated their efforts and it was still impressive to watch! Notice how each of the teams helps support the bottom "layer" of the castle-it's not easy work!

Each team has a supporting drum/flute ensemble which plays louder and louder as the top is reached.

The team above was the first one we caught pictures of where the little girls made it to the top successfully, totally unscathed!

Hasta luega!

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