Monday, February 4, 2013

Daytrip to Albet i Noya winery

On a sunny and crisp Saturday, January 26th, 2013, Pat and I headed into the hilly countryside of the Penedès wine region, to the south of Barcelona. Those of you who are familiar with Spanish Cava, this is where the most famous brands are produced, Freixenet and Cordoniù. We booked a private tour at the organic winery we like very much, Albet i Noya. Occasionally you can find their wines at certain SAQ stores in the Montreal area. An earlier blog exists on this same winery as visited by a group from the IWCB on October 9, 2010 (harvest crush in the Penedès).

Main building for sales and tasting:

Views over the vineyards:

Where the wine is produced, aged and bottled:

Satinless steel tanks, now empty, clean as a whistle!

Cava aging in racks along the walls of the room above:

Shipping area:

Pat's favourite!


A delicious crisp white wine:

The bottling area:

Tasting room:

The shop:

Then to lunch in the village at Restaurant Cal Pere del Maset:

And a walk afterwards to burn off some calories! Below, a newly upgraded football pitch:

At 4 p.m. a go-kart race took place down the hill! It looked quite steep, but the karts did not go very fast! Participants wore helmuts (good idea) and hay bales, covered in plastic protected some of the rough corners! Here are some groups making final preparations:

As the sun set on the village Church door, we headed for home, the car trunk full of Albet i Noya wine!

Hasta luego...

Location:St. Pau d'Ordal in the Penedès region, south of Barcelona